Co-founder and executive manager of Charter Capital specializing in accounts receivable factoring dedicated to fast, solution oriented funding to satisfy working capital needs of most B2B businesses in manufacturing and service industries, including but not limited to businesses in transportation, staffing, security, maintenance, repair, wholesalers, distribution, fabrication, industrial labor, and oil & gas.

6 Common Challenges Startup Businesses Face

Common Challenges for Startup Businesses

About a million small businesses launch every year, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). More than three-quarters make it to the two-year mark, but certainly not without grit and the ability to overcome the multitude of startup challenges entrepreneurs face. Whether you’re already…

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7 Cash Flow Management Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

7 Cash Flow Management Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

Cash flow management mistakes can throttle business growth. They’re also incredibly easy to make and can go undetected until serious issues arise. They’re one of the reasons why 90 percent of small businesses sought emergency funding during the pandemic, per the Federal Reserve Banks Small…

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How a Cash Conversion Cycle Works & Calculating the CCC

Cash conversion cycle flow

As a small-business owner, you’re probably keenly aware of the cash conversion cycle (CCC), even if it’s not something you’re intentionally measuring or monitoring. It’s a measure of business health and, when you’re nailing it, you’ve generally got solid cash flows and plenty of money…

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10 Keys to Delivering Great Customer Service

A blackboard with the keys to customer service written on it

When was the last time you had a really great customer service experience with a company? The type that leaves you smiling and excited to return? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? While most business owners understand that excellent customer service is the lifeblood of…

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How Invoice Factoring Can Help You Expand Your Business

Invoice Factoring Helps Expand Your Business

Invoice factoring or accounts receivable financing is often leveraged by small businesses as a way to get the working capital necessary for expansion. However, if you haven’t heard of the concept before, you’re missing out on all the benefits a factoring company can offer. Below,…

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