Co-founder and Executive Manager at Charter Capital with a history of 28 years working in the financial services industry. Skilled in Cash Flow, Leveraged Finance, Factoring, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), and Structured Finance. Strong business development professional with BA from The University of Texas at Austin and MBA of International Business from University of South Carolina.

Optimized Cash Flow Solutions with Factoring

trucking accounts receivable factoring companies

Trucking is a race against the clock. As every truck driver knows, the constant pressure to navigate traffic snarls, avoid highway closures, overcome mechanical problems, and stay awake and alert to deliver their load at the contracted time is only part of the story. Another…

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Small Business Street Smarts

Small Business Street Smarts

Small businesses often fail to grow for lack of funds to cover short term working capital needs, not because business is bad!  The biggest challenge faced by most small businesses is how to fund the growth that makes owning your own business a worthwhile endeavor….

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